Ishi-Hana meeting summary

About Ishi-Hana (Stone-flower) associations

Stone Flower

But Japan is not natural.
Nature and flowers, birds, insects and plants is
Water, stone, and sand and even nature itself
Japan had to admire.
By tremendous years with mother nature
Transformed into a different shape stone (ishikure), there are River.

And the magma of the Earth we sometimes accumulate while listening to the heartbeat of the earth not the same type of stone, as one would still identify themselves physically in the natural debris, become an integral part.You will also know that the eternal time flow in the consciousness of their own round tilting let me have.

Because it scatters beautiful flowers.

The sense of all things.All that has been established in the balance.
Should blossom in your stone.


Ish-Hana kai is, as a lock-balancing enthusiast organizations, will contribute to the Japanese rock-balancing spread and development.
for that reason,

– The name of the lock-balancing or Stone balancing that referred to as “Ishi-Hana”, to establish the uniqueness and sense of intimacy in Japan.

– Master and the master as “Ishi-Hana teacher”, to target a variety of generation in various parts of Japan and the net, and then expand the Ishi-Hana dissemination activities.

80be75_d93bfb6f292649f3b406e80d79faa6c1Why do not you bloom “Ishi-Hana”?
In “Ishi-Hana Meeting”, whom the Ishi-Hana that can do the workshops we are in many places. Stone can be prepared here, but it is also recommended to bring participants.
By all means, please send us the workshop information or exhibitors request.
The subject, to the elderly from children, anyone men and women nationality regardless.
For the cost and location, consult together with the implementation details.
Balance skills of Ishi-Hana nurse also, you can see in front of the eye.